Friday, February 28, 2014

February 28th

Today I'm grateful for 90by30.

I first learned about this organization when I was in grad school and I knew instantly I wanted to be involved. We just had our second annual conference today and it was a powerful experience. We had some phenomenal speakers who inspired ideas and hope for completing our goal. I'm grateful for the organization and its mission and for being a part of it. (Check us out at!)

Thursday, February 27, 2014

February 27th

Today I am grateful for vacations.

I've officially returned to my "normal" life and routine. The change of pace and intentionally taking time to relax provided some much needed rejuvenation. And after unburying myself from about 300 e-mails I'm ready to start planning my NEXT vacation! Kenya, you're next!    

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

February 26th

Today I am grateful for potable water.

Upon my return to the States I have realized the convenience of clean tap water everywhere. We weren't able to drink water in Mexico and even showering or washing hands the water had a different, more slippery texture. I'm grateful for the convenience, availability, and luxury of clean water.

One thing I've been noticing as I am paying more attention to what I'm grateful for. I imagine it's a common experience when one is trying to become more aware of anything. But for me, I'm noticing every day things that I don't think twice about like oxygen and clean water. Another example was from a few weeks ago that I found a little bit more amusing: On my normal route bike route to work there was a biker in front of me. As usual, I was running a bit late so I was riding faster to get to work on time. As I approached to pass I realized the other biker was smoking a cigarette and I was inhaling a little bit of smoke. I quickly passed him and thought, "Man, I'm grateful that most people don't smoke while biking." I'm not sure if I would have had that thought if I wasn't doing this project.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

February 25th

Today I am grateful for pelicans.

I saw pelicans every day of my trip and even managed to get a few good photos. My grandpa liked pelicans and I always associate them with him. It was nice to be thinking about him.

Monday, February 24, 2014

February 24th

Today I am grateful for lighthouses.

I grew up on the coast so I think I have a natural affinity for lighthouses, but I'm particularly grateful for this old, abandoned lighthouse I went in today. First of all, the fact that it was abandoned and we had to bring a ladder with us to climb over the wall made it an adventure. And we went for sunset (another affinity from growing up on the coast) and had a fabulous view.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

February 23rd

Today I am grateful for shade.

I got a little sun burnt yesterday so today I'm grateful for shade as I try not expose my shoulders to the sun. Good thing there are so many palm trees.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

February 22nd

Today I am grateful for snorkeling. 

I haven't gone snorkeling since I was in 7th grade, and don't remember being that impressed. We went today and I had so much fun! I saw so many different kinds of fish and coral. At one point I felt like, as a human, this was as close to flying as I would ever get. 

We also re-utilized the snorkel mask to observe a manatee!

Friday, February 21, 2014

February 21st

Today I am grateful for barefeet. 

The amount of time I wear shoes is linearly related to my level of busy-ness. I've barely had to put on shoes this vacation thus I've spent most of my time relaxing. It has been such a nice break. Here are my feet doing all kinds of relaxing things. 

Here, I am sitting on a beach at sunset. 

And here, I am playing cribbage.

And, finally, here I am (with a dear friend) relaxing in a hammock.

You all should be grateful I got a pedicure before my trip. ;)

Thursday, February 20, 2014

February 20th

Today I am grateful for reunions. 

In my travels I'm meeting up with friends from two different chapters of my life. It's wonderful to see them, catch up, and fall back into the comfort of friendship. These friends are particularly wonderful as they are very compatible travel companions. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

February 19th

Today I am grateful for oxygen. 

I watched Gravity on the plane today and realized how grateful I am that I don't have to carry an oxygen tank around with me or monitor how much oxygen I have left to breathe. I'm just glad I don't have to plan for it or around it and my body just takes care of it for me. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

February 18th

Today I am grateful for airports.

Airports can certainly be stressful and/or boring, but for me, they hold so much opportunity as they allow the ability, privilege, and efficiency to travel far and wide. Plus they are by far one of my favorite places to people watch.


Monday, February 17, 2014

February 17th

Today I am grateful for Ellen.

In preparation for a week long trip my little sister was super helpful in running around and doing all the last minutes pre-trip errands for the both of us (including doing my laundry). Just in general I appreciate Ellen's generosity, creativity, enthusiasm, and willingness to go with the flow. And here's a special shout out as she also was my costume designer for the party I blogged about on the 15th.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

February 16th

Today I am grateful for fresh flowers.

My roommate has been purchasing flowers for our dining room table lately. I feel like it brightens up the whole room.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

February 15th

Today I am grateful for themed birthday parties.

A good friend celebrated his birthday today and had the fun idea to theme his party. The best part was that everyone participated! The whole evening was very entertaining and highly spirited.

Friday, February 14, 2014

February 14th

Today I am grateful for Oregon.

Not only is today Valentine's Day but it's also Oregon's birthday. The old gal turns 155 today. I've lived in Oregon for my entire life and I definitely think she's worth celebrating.

P.S. Happy Valentine's Day!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

February 13th

Today I am grateful for pear, potato, pesto pizza.

A few years ago I probably never would have tried such a concoction because it would have sounded too strange. But I've gotten more adventurous in my eating habits and I'm so happy because I've discovered things like beets and this pizza.Yum!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

February 12th

Today I am grateful for adaptation.

I heard that today was Darwin Day after telling my roommate that I felt like I had adapted well to a situation. I remember learning about evolution and adaptation in biology and being totally fascinated by it. I still remember the example of moths and industrialization. I'm grateful for my more colloquial "adaptability" in new situations, and I am still a little bit awed by its impact on nature.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

February 11th

Today I am grateful for falling asleep to the sound of rain.

It's been a while since I fell asleep to the sound of rain and I find it very comforting. It makes me feel extra cozy and happy to be in bed.

Monday, February 10, 2014

February 10th

Today I am grateful for people who let me vent.

I had a pretty typical day: busy, lots of people, a long of things to accomplish. I like these days and I like the way I live, but every once in a while things build and I need a little vent sesh. I'm grateful for the people who listen and nod and just let me get things off my chest.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

February 9th

Today I am grateful for Star Wars.

A few friends and I are starting our second annual winter trilogy series. Last year we watch LOTR and this year we chose Star Wars. My dad is a big fan of the series (and I'm talking about IV, V, and VI) and I grew up watching them. I realized today that I haven't seen them in years and I'm excited to rewatch them. Just hearing the opening score was comforting.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

February 8th

Today I am grateful for the beauty that ice creates.

We've had some out of the ordinary weather this winter and today I woke up to ice covering every surface. I was fortunate not to have any power outages or fallen limbs on any of my property (which I'm also grateful for), thus I was able to appreciate the novel effect it had on my neighborhood. The cold and potentially dangerous weather also gave me every excuse to stay inside to cook and bake, which I don't usually give myself the time to do.

The trees reminded me of how I imagined them from The Twelve Dancing Princesses, one of my favorite childhood books.

Friday, February 7, 2014

February 7th

Today I am grateful for CASA.

CASA is an organization that provides a volunteer, a CASA, to children in the foster care system to help them find safe, healthy, permanent homes. I feel that the work they do is very important and has a significant impact on the lives of vulnerable children. I'm grateful that this organization fills a special niche and I admire and support the organization.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

February 6th

Today I am grateful for beets.

Beets taught me an important lesson in gratitude some years ago.

My paren--ahem, Santa traditionally put an orange in the toe of my stocking each year. I like oranges just fine, but I never really ate the one from my stocking, so one year I asked my Mo--Santa to put something else in the toe. I woke up Christmas morning and when I got to the toe of my stocking I found the can of beets pictured below. Now at the time I didn't like beets, and at first was a little annoyed with the smirks on my parents faces. But I very quickly understood the message that Santa was trying to tell me, so I've kept that can of beets on my desk ever since as a reminder to be grateful.

Another layer was added to this story, when my parents recounted the story to my paternal grandparents as a way to tease me a few years later. My grandpa commented that he used to get an orange in his stocking every year as a kid too. My grandfather grew up on a farm and he and his family ate almost exclusively what they grew. They didn't grow oranges so they didn't have them very often so they were a very special treat for him and his siblings.

In the past year, I discovered that I actually really enjoy beets when I tried fresh ones over the summer. I still thought I didn't like canned beets but I bought a new can to re-test the other day (the can on my desk expired many years ago) and just opened it tonight. Turns out I like canned beets too.

Beets have taught me a lot and they always remind me to be grateful. And as my dad always says, "You can't beat a beet."

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

February 5th

Today I am grateful for postage stamps.

I love going to the post office to purchase stamps. I keep a small stockpile that I carefully choose from when I send letters and postcards in the mail. Postage recently went up so I had to by some 1¢ and 3¢ stamps today. They were such a welcome addition to my collection.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

February 4th

Today I am grateful for shuffle board.

I'm a bit of an old lady at heart and I've recently discovered shuffle board. I've played it a few times in the last couple of months and really enjoyed it. I'm adding it to my list of old lady hobbies, which also includes cribbage and water aerobics. I'm saving bridge until I'm at least 35.

Monday, February 3, 2014

February 3rd

Today I am grateful for crocuses.

"What? It's still winter," you say? I know! But I saw my first crocuses sprouting today. I love spring and I will be grateful for flowers many more times this year.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

February 2nd

Today I am grateful for potlucks.

This great group of friends I've mentioned before all got together to watch the Super Bowl this afternoon. The gathering included a potluck. So much good food and great collaboration.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

February 1st

Today I am grateful for the Knights of Mt. Pisgah.

A good friend and I went on a hike today and while we were chatting at the top two knights showed up for a sword fight. One was wearing chain mail and the other had on a legit helmet. We tried to surreptitiously take photos so you can just barely see one of them in the photo below. These fellows gave us a few good laughs and reminded me that's okay to be a little weird sometimes.