Thursday, July 31, 2014

July 31st

Today I'm grateful for incredible sunsets.

I was at frisbee tonight (as usual) and throughout the game the sun was putting on a show for us. I snapped this photo at the end, but it was amazing to watch the progression. The streams of light and coloring was amazing.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

July 30th

Today I'm grateful for pink eye cake.

While being sick E and I joked about having a party when we got better. Our jesting morphed into actually making a cake to share with our team in celebration of our health and return to frisbee and society. For the base we baked a white cake in a bunt pan. With extra batter we also made a sheet cake which we used to fill in the hole. To decorate we dyed whipped cream frosting a light pink for the sclera and a blue for the iris. For the pupil we crushed up Oreos. We used raspberry pie filling to make the veins and black licorice for eyelashes. The key ingredient was tapioca pudding for the goop. A fun project, a major success and a delicious product!

Pretending we have pink eye.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

July 29th

Today I'm grateful to be back on the ultimate field.

After being sick last week, it feels like it's been a long time since I even touched a disc. Even though my body felt like it had low energy, it was nice to be moving and feeling closer to normal.  

Monday, July 28, 2014

July 28th

Today I'm grateful for neighborhood runs.

I went for a run for the first time in over a month. I didn't run very far or long, but I was proud of myself for going. I also remembered how much I enjoy experiencing my neighborhood at a slower pace (than riding my bike or driving). I notice more about my surroundings and since I live in such a lovely neighborhood it's very pleasant. 

Sunday, July 27, 2014

July 27th

Today I'm grateful for wedding planning.

I have a friend who is getting married next summer and she's been invited me to come check out a venue she and her partner are interested in. I've never been involved in wedding planning before and I have a bit of wedding fever. I've been sending her articles since she got engaged. Anyway, the venue was gorgeous and I can't wait to attend. 

Also, not pictured is sunset from Spencer's Butte. I've seen sunrises here before, but tonight was my first sunset AND I hiked up a new way!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

July 26th

Today I'm grateful for Triangle Lake and kittens.

A couple of friends and I went to Triangle Lake today. It was a first for all of us and we had a ton of fun swimming, jumping off rocks, and laying out for frisbees. Later in the day I drove south to visit my family and their new kitten. Such a cutie! 

Friday, July 25, 2014

July 25th

Today I'm grateful for cheap tickets to major sporting events.

I got an e-mail about a special deal to attend the IAAF World Junior Championships. At the last minute I bought tickets for tonight. I saw some amazing athletes do a number of track events. It was cool to be in the stands with other spectators from around the world. I'm glad I was able to go!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

July 24th

Today I'm grateful for hugs.

I'm coming off from being sick and today was my first full day back at work. I probably wouldn't have gone back today but I was coordinating a training that I couldn't miss. The training was about a heavy topic, so needless to say, it was a very long day (physically and emotionally). At the end of the day I just needed a good hug. And I got just what I needed.   

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

July 23rd

Today I'm grateful for repaving.

There's one particular bad street that I cross every day coming home from work that I frequently think, "Man, I wish they would repave this street!" Well folks, I was riding home today and they are! It's going to make my bike ride so much smoother. 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

July 22nd

Today I'm grateful for MORE garden progress.

My garden is doing quite well. The lettuce and kale have been flourishing but I'm excited to see the tomatoes coming in, the cucumbers that I grew from seed (which I hope to pickle), and a couple strawberries. I'm still waiting to see some squash, tomatillos, and beets. I'll try to keep you posted!

Monday, July 21, 2014

July 21st

Today I'm grateful for sick days.

I may have pushed it too soon yesterday. I woke up feeling pretty awful. I was able to get a hold of work to let them know that I would only be coming in for a few hours to get the necessary tasks done. I was able to get more sleep which my body clearly needed.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

July 20th

Today I'm grateful for Wildwood Falls.

Thanks to pink eye, I've been cooped up all weekend trying to avoid people and touching things that other people might touch. By this afternoon, my eyes were feeling significantly better so I made a quick trip down to Wildwood Falls. I'd never been there before and it was beautiful! I also just really appreciated being outside and going somewhere so accessible and new.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

July 19th

Today I'm grateful for antibiotics.

So yesterday, I woke up with pink eye and got antibiotics last night. My eyes are significantly worse today in terms of pinkness and puffiness but significantly better in terms of leakage. I thank the miracles of antibiotics for that!

Friday, July 18, 2014

July 18th

Today I'm grateful for an evening with the girls.

A couple girl friends and I have been trying to plan an evening together for over a month, and it finally came together tonight. It was so pleasant to catch up longer than a few minutes on the sideline of the frisbee field, and REALLY hear about how people are doing. It was super low key which is just what I needed!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

July 17th

Today I'm grateful for support.

I had a rough day at work and on the frisbee field. It was mostly just a combination of a long day and tough loss. After fris I ate dinner with two close friends and even though I didn't go into much detail I still felt really supported by both of them. I'm comforted in knowing that I have people who care about me, even in my mundane struggles.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

July 16th

Today I'm grateful for hydrangeas. 

There are a couple of hydrangea plants that I pass on my way to work every morning. I've watched them bloom over the last few weeks and I look forward to continue to see their progress. I wouldn't say hydrangeas are my favorite flower, but they are in my top ten. Ever since I learned their different colors is caused my varying pH in the soil I've thought they are pretty neat. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

July 15th

Today I'm grateful for good conversations.

I have quite a few people in my life where I feel comfortable, as comfortable as I can, to be vulnerable. Even though these conversations can be hard, they also always feel good. I really appreciate having friends that also value openness and honesty and can share in these conversations with me.

Monday, July 14, 2014

July 14th

Today I'm grateful for reunions.

The last few days have been a whirlwind of seeing wonderful friends, but I think the icing on the cake was seeing two of my best girl friends today. One of them, who I hadn't seen in over a year, picked me up at the airport. We had a chance to catch up one on one then met up with another dear friend to climb Spencer's Butte. Any kind of long distance relationship is hard and I'm so grateful, especially in the case of these two lovely ladies, that there's been effort on both ends to stay in touch even across huge distances.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

July 13th

Today I'm grateful for Big Sur.

Post wedding we drove further south to Big Sur to camp. It was pretty foggy driving down but by the time we set up camp and headed out again for adventuring the fog had lifted. We stopped at a few vistas and hiked around Pfeiffer State Park.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

July 12th

Today I'm grateful for weddings.

I'm in the phase of life where I have wedding seasons. This is my second summer of weddings and I'm so grateful to be able to help my friends celebrate their special days. This wedding was particularly special because it also served as a mini-reunion for a significant group of my undergrad friends. The ceremony and reception were very sweet and the couple was beautiful.

Friday, July 11, 2014

July 11th

Today I'm grateful for smooth and successful travel.

I traveled to California today to meet a bunch of friends for a wedding and camping. There was a lot of coordination that needed to happen before the trip and things went smoothly today. No one had flight delays, there was no problems getting the rental car, and a couple of friends were awesome hosts that gave us dinner, beer, and beds to sleep in.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

July 10th

Today I'm grateful for my friend Shannon.

Shannon is visiting for the weekend and we luckily were able to catch each other as I'm heading out of town for the weekend. Shannon is one of those friends where it feels like time hasn't lapsed. She's easy to talk to, she's hilarious, she cares deeply about her friends and family, and she exudes warmth and kindness. Needless to say I enjoy her company, humor, and candor. I'm grateful we got to spend a few hours together.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

July 9th

Today I'm grateful for someone making me dinner.

I really, really need to be better at going grocery shopping and preparing myself food. It would help my pocketbook and I'd probably eat healthier. However, my excuse is always that I'm so busy. Tonight I didn't get done with frisbee until after 8 and was ravenous. A friend and I decided to make homemade Yumm bowls so we quickly picked up a few items from the store. Once back at home he insisted on cooking for me. It was so sweet and thoughtful, and delicious!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

July 8th

Today I'm grateful for summer sunsets.

I think I may have been grateful for sunsets before, but tonight's was radiant. I watched it change and morph for over a half an hour. The air was still warm and the entire sky was full of color and different light. It just made me happy to be outside and in a place that is full of natural beauty.

Monday, July 7, 2014

July 7th

Today I'm grateful for an evening at home.

I've been slightly overbooking myself this summer. It doesn't feel like it because I've been doing all kinds of fun things, but I'm spending very little time at home. I cancelled plans tonight in order to be able to spend a few hours at home catching up on mundane chores. It felt good to get on top of things. 

Sunday, July 6, 2014

July 6th

Today I'm grateful for endurance.

A three day tournament definitely takes it out of you. By the end I was tired, hungry, and sunburnt but overall I was quite proud that I was still able to run on day three. My body has been a good sport this year and I'm grateful that it has been serving me so well.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

July 5th

Today I'm grateful for a spirited team.

This is my third year at Potlatch and I've been on a fun, spirited team every year. Our theme this year was Animal Rock Party and I'd say we certainly rocked the tournament (and the party). Another great weekend of frisbee, friend, and sun! 

Friday, July 4, 2014

July 4th

Today I'm grateful for fireworks.

The 4th of July is one of my favorite holidays because: I. LOVE. FIREWORKS. I've loved fireworks since I was a little kid and my dad brought home bottle rockets that he let us hold in our hand to light off. (Now I think he regrets that decision, even though none of us got hurt.) Fireworks just bring me joy and wonder. 

Thursday, July 3, 2014

July 3rd

Today I'm grateful for good news.

I received word today that a dear friend is returning to Eugene sooner than expected. I'm super excited to see her soon and have a chance to catch up, in person, on the last year of our lives.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

July 2nd

Today I'm grateful for granola.

A friend gave me some granola as a thank you for cat sitting. I love granola but rarely buy it because it's usually expensive and I don't typically eat breakfast. It's been a special treat to have at the office this week. 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

July 1st

Today I'm grateful for a new job.

This job has been in the works for months and it officially started today. I'm excited to be in this position and grateful that my employers saw potential in me and was willing to create a job that aligns so well with my interests and skills.