Monday, March 31, 2014

March 31st

Today I'm grateful for horoscopes.

I don't really believe in horoscopes but I do find them entertaining. For the last few years I read my annual horoscope on New Years Day. Today I happened to grab a newspaper and read my daily horoscope and it put a positive spin on my day: "There are definite benefits to getting involved with you these days, and that's what you need to keep your eye on. When you feel good about the package deal that is "you," everything else falls right into place."

Sunday, March 30, 2014

March 30th

Today I am grateful for good ultimate games.

Maybe it's the weather starting to turn, or maybe it's getting back into shape, or perhaps it's just getting a new pair of cleats, but ultimate has been so much fun lately. Both of my games today were hard fought games and both were victorious by one point. To go along with the wins there was so much positive spirit and camaraderie. Such a great sport and community!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

March 29th

Today I'm grateful for friends going above and beyond.

A new friend heard about my recently stolen bike and offered to let me borrow one of his for the time being. He dropped it off for me today and could tell I was in a bit of funk and graciously invited me out to raise my spirits. It was a totally unexpected and unnecessary gesture but very much appreciated.

Friday, March 28, 2014

March 28th

Today I'm grateful for access to a gym.

The weather was all over the place today and as I watched it all day at work I felt less and less motivated to get caught in a downpour doing my run. Typically, I definitely prefer running outside but was glad I had the option of using a treadmill to get my run in today.  

Thursday, March 27, 2014

March 27th

Today I am grateful for random acts of kindness.

My roommates are just awesome, thoughtful people. They are both traveling out of town this weekend and knew I was going to be home alone so they got me these. Totally unnecessary and unexpected, but very, very appreciated. :)

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

March 26th

Today I'm grateful for Maya Angelou quotes.

I've been inadvertently bumping into May Angelou quotes for a while now and I really appreciate her wisdom. This first one I found in grad school and resonated with what I was learning at the time. As I've discovered more of her quotes I've come to realize that they have timeless relevancy.   

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." 

This one, a friend (who must channel Maya's wisdom) sent recently. 

"Have enough courage to trust love one more time and always one more time."

And this one I found at work while working on a project. 

"I long, as does every human being, to be at home wherever I find myself."

I was so inspired, I checked out her first autobiography at the library today.  

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

March 25th

Today I'm grateful for happy hour.

A dear friend and I met up for happy hour after work today. We work in the same office so we see each other regularly but it felt really nice to spend some quality time outside of work. For me, she is one of those people who is brilliant in so many ways that I feel lucky to call her my co-worker, fellow frisbee player, and friend.

Monday, March 24, 2014

March 24th

Today I'm grateful for lawn games.

The weather was so great today my normal cribbage group did a potluck and a lawn game in my freshly mowed back yard. It was a super pleasant evening with good friends, good food, and good times. I think it was an excellent preview to summer. 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

March 23rd

Today I'm grateful for day trips to the coast.

I haven't been to the coast in a few months and I've been missing it. A couple of friends and I drove out and spent the day on the beach, ate a seafood dinner, and caught sunset before heading back. It was a glorious day to be visiting the Pacific. 

Saturday, March 22, 2014

March 22nd

Today I'm grateful for freshly cut grass and sister visits.

I'm starting my first garden this year but I lack a few gardening tools. I coerced my sister (with cheesecake) to make a special trip to bring tools, and while she was at it a lawn mower so I could mow our lawn. My sister graciously came and dug while I mowed. How lucky am I?

Friday, March 21, 2014

March 21st

Today I'm grateful for impromptu mini adventures.

I got a last minute invitation to watch a friend play at a brewery I'd never been too. I roped my roommate into going too and we had a lovely time driving out, exploring the brewery, tasting beer, playing lawn games, and listening to music. It was a great way to cap off the week!

Photo Cred: Roommate

Thursday, March 20, 2014

March 20th

Today I am grateful for cozy blankets.

I watched a scary show on Netflix and the only reason I made it through was because I had a cozy blanket to hide under. I also really appreciate having a blanket for napping and reading. So many good uses!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

March 19th

Today I am grateful I don't have allergies.

I've heard the Willamette Valley is one of the worst places in the world for grass seed allergies and my friends and coworkers are starting to feel the onslaught of the season. I'm a pretty big baby when I'm sick (even a common cold) so I don't think I'd do well with allergy symptoms. Here's to hoping I never develop any allergies!  

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

March 18th

Today I am grateful for the smell of bacon.

I got up and did my run this morning and finished about two and half blocks from my house. I started my "cool down" and instantly smelled bacon. I'm pretty fond of bacon and even though I didn't get to EAT any bacon I still enjoyed the smell post-run.

Monday, March 17, 2014

March 17th

Today I am grateful for really wonderful and supportive friends.

I feel like this has been another theme already this year, but it's something I'm truly grateful for. Today was one of the worst days I've had in a long time and really felt supported by my friends. My bike was stolen and I received numerous texts, e-mails, hugs, offers to let me borrow bikes, and even a bottle of wine for my loss. So while this was not the best of days it felt incredibly good to know that my friend group is there for me.

And I saw this flower on my walk home from work. Maybe I wouldn't have seen it if I had been riding my bike...   

Sunday, March 16, 2014

March 16th

Today I am grateful for lazy Sundays.

I spent all morning (and part of the afternoon) in bed napping and watching a movie. After playing all day yesterday it felt nice to be lazy. I finally got up and did some chores before going out and playing in the late afternoon.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

March 15th

Today I am grateful for being outside all day.

I played in a neighborhood tournament today and the weather was perfect. It felt so great to be in the sun all day, hanging out with friends, and playing frisbee. Admittedly I'm pretty sore and was exhausted at the end of the day, but totally worth it. And more frisbee tomorrow!

Friday, March 14, 2014

March 14th

Today I am grateful for pi(e).

Today is a lesser known holiday that I like to celebrate. I usually celebrate by eating pie, but that didn't happen this year. I'll have to make up for it next year. I always enjoyed math puns too which is why I also appreciate this day.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

March 13th

Today I'm grateful for international phone calls.

I talked to my good friend who is in the Peace Corps in Kenya this morning. We missed our Skype date after not remembering to factor in daylight savings time. Nonetheless, it was great to hear her voice and catch each other up on our lives. And we did manage to Skype later that night, and just in time for her birthday. :)

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

March 12th

Today I'm grateful for New Girl.

I rewatched the first two episodes today and I get such a kick out of the show. I enjoy the characters and how much they care for each other. I find their relationships to be very amusing and touching. I laugh out loud every episode.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

March 11th

Today I am grateful for not having homework anymore.

I'm taking a class through work and had to do a very brief assignment before our first session today. The instructor said we'd have to do a little bit of homework in between sessions and I automatically felt a weight slowly being lowered onto my shoulders. Then I did a little reality check and reminded myself that I'm totally capable, and the homework she's talking about is very minimal, and I'm not being graded, and everything is going to be fine. I realized how comfortable I've gotten not having homework constantly weighing me down. I'd say it's the biggest perk of no longer being in school.    

Monday, March 10, 2014

March 10th

Today I'm grateful for swimming.

As a kid, my parents called both my sisters and I water dogs because of how much we swam (we lived next to the ocean and a few rivers). I changed things up today because my body is sick and tired of running and went on a little swim during my lunch break. Even though I'm lap swimming in a pool I love being in the water.   

Sunday, March 9, 2014

March 9th

Today I'm grateful for Settlers of Catan.

I used to play Catan every day with my roommates until it started to cause some minor tensions in the house. I played for the first time in what seems like ages today and even learned to play the Cities & Knights version. I've entered a Catan tournament which I'm pretty excited about. It was nice to get a practice game in before the big competition.


Saturday, March 8, 2014

March 8th

Today I am grateful for day light savings time.

It's really starting to feel like spring/summer when there's lots of light left when I get off work. I've been feeling like I have a bit more energy lately and I think a part of it is the changing seasons. I've been day dreaming of sitting in the sun, going on bike rides, and drinking lots yummy beverages. 

Friday, March 7, 2014

March 7th

Today I am grateful for the Ruth Bascom Riverbank Trail System.

A few of my runs this past week have been along the river using this trail system. I like running along the river and not having to worry about cars or crossing streets. I've also seen a lot of blooming flowers and trees which keeps things interesting!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

March 6th

Today I'm grateful for blasts from the pasts.

I got coffee today with a friend from high school. It was great catching up and reminded me of many people I hadn't thought of in a while. Here's to BHHS Class of 2006!

Photo Credit: Paul Cleary

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

March 5th

Today I'm grateful for new running shoes.

I've been meaning to purchase new running shoes since January, but kept delaying due to cost and indecisiveness. I finally just did it and they arrived in the mail today. I'm already more excited to do my next run.  

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

March 4th

Today I am grateful for people with musical talents.

I've seen three bands in the last four days and have enjoyed every one of them. Two of the three bands had a washboard player which I was particularly impressed with. I am one with very (very) few musical talents so I especially appreciate others sharing their talents.   

Monday, March 3, 2014

March 3rd

Today I am grateful for signs of spring.

My first ride in to work after my vacation I noticed so many daffodils and crocuses had popped up in my absence. I felt like I missed the last week of winter and came into the first week of spring. On my runs I'm also seeing more and more blossoms on trees. And from my window at my desk I've been keeping my eye on a couple trees that are about to burst with flowers. Spring always seems like such a hopeful time especially after the doldrums of winter so even early spring is lovely.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

March 2nd

Today I am grateful for rainbows.

We had typical Oregon weather today. Like this:

The good part about this kind of weather is rainbows! I saw a pretty big one just as my frisbee game was getting started.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

March 1st

Today I am grateful for clean sheets.

I don't love doing laundry so I probably don't wash my sheets as often as I should however, whenever I do I love the feeling of crawling into bed. I guess I love that feeling anyway, but it's especially wonderful when the sheets are fresh.