Tuesday, September 30, 2014

September 30th

Today I'm grateful for my paycheck.

I get paid on the last day of the month and it gets directly deposited into my account. I love checking my bank account on pay day and feeling rich for a few moments before paying all my bills.

Monday, September 29, 2014

September 29th

Today I'm grateful for my CSA (Community Supported Agriculture).

I inherited a share of a CSA from a friend who moved out of town. Every week I get a bag full of fresh veggies delivered to my door. My roommates and I scramble to eat them every week and I often take some into work to share with  coworkers because we can't eat them fast enough. It's been fun seeing new vegetables and trying to figure out ways to cook them. Thanks goodness they include a list of what they send because otherwise I wouldn't know some of them. See purple and white beans below!

Can't beat a beet! Or this color!

Ready to roast.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

September 28th

Today I'm grateful for Helen.

Helen has been a dear friend since we first met in undergrad. I've actually never connected so quickly with someone as I did with Helen. She has been living in Germany since 2009 so we've been doing a long distance friendship for twice as long as we when we both lived literally feet from each other. We've supported each other through love and loss and I value her friendship highly. Happy Birthday, my dear Helen!

Saturday, September 27, 2014

September 27th

Today I'm grateful for run/walks.

I had a pretty mellow day today but did have to start training for a seven mile trail run that I'm doing in a few weeks. I convinced a friend to go with me. We were only going to go for two miles, but ended up run/walking over four miles. It was a great way to be active, spend time outside, and catch up!

Friday, September 26, 2014

September 26th

Today I'm grateful for our end of year party for Midnight Whiskey.

We celebrated our first official season tonight. We ate food. Played frisbee games. Bestowed awards. Gave speeches. And, of course, drank whiskey.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

September 25th

Today I'm grateful for the group of friends I made in undergrad.

I did a presentation today for Greek Life and it made me think of the community that I was a part of in undergrad and the friends I made. Most of my close friends from that time no longer live in Eugene, but I still keep in touch with many of them. And we get together at least once a year for Ski to Sea. And just in finding pictures to post for this entry, I was flooded with so many memories and good times. I'm so grateful I was able to find such a fun group of people. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

September 24th

Today I'm grateful for good weather at frisbee.

We are entering the time of year where I have to get back in the habit of packing rain pants because one just never knows when it's going to rain. I was dreading playing frisbee in the rain tonight as the forecast was predicting it, but instead there was an ethereal glow, a magnificent sunset, and a warm temperature. It was gorgeous, and I tried taking a picture but my phone just wouldn't capture it. You're stuck with this image from the internet instead.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

September 23rd

Today I'm grateful for blooming flowers.

In addition to planting a garden this year, I also planted some bulbs my sister gave me. I've been waiting all summer for the lilies to bloom since they are one of my favorite flowers. I thought that it wasn't going to happen and had given up home, but the other day a new shoot was starting and then...Voila! Today it bloomed!

Monday, September 22, 2014

September 22nd

Today I'm grateful for nicknames.

My group of frisbee friends have a nickname going for one of our teammates. The river in my hometown has his nickname in it so we had a good laugh taking a photo and sharing our adventure with him. Social media has it's perks.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

September 21st

Today I'm grateful for Indian Sands.

We visited this gorgeous place today and the sun finally came out. There are so many beautiful places in Brookings it's hard to choose just one place to spend time, but Indian Sands was a good call today. We were like mountain goats jumping on rocks and watching the waves crash towards us. And when we were done exploring we had an AMAZING dinner waiting for us. 

Saturday, September 20, 2014

September 20th

Today I'm grateful for home.

It's been a long time since I've been home for a visit, but I finally made it! I was lucky this time to have a driving partner so I didn't have to make the trek alone. We didn't have much time to do anything today but I have a whole day planned tomorrow.

Friday, September 19, 2014

September 19th

Today I'm grateful for new razors.

I have a tendency to be frugal so it takes me forever to change blades on my razor. I finally did today and my legs felt smoother than they have all summer. I really need to just bite the bullet and change blades more often. It's always worth it.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

September 18th

Today I'm grateful for the Eugene Symphony.

I went to my first symphony concert tonight and it was delightful! I was so impressed by the talent of the musicians and the quality of the sound. I enjoyed the uniqueness of spending an evening at the Hult. And I loved being able to support my roomie as she has an integral part in bringing and keeping these performances in Eugene. 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

September 17th

Today I'm grateful for surprise notes.

I left work late today and found a note left on my bike. It was a sweet little surprise that made my day. I enjoy writing and receiving notes especially surprise ones!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

September 16th

Today I'm grateful for kites.

I was volunteering today and looked up to see twenty-two (I counted!) kites flying in the sky. I haven't flown a kite in years and it was neat to see a whole bunch of them. Other folks who I was working with had seen them flying before and apparently it's a regular thing. It made me inspired to try to fly one soon.

The first photo is one I took, but I'm not even sure if you can see the little specks that are kites. The second photo is one I found online and what I imagine they looked like if I was up in the air with them.

Monday, September 15, 2014

September 15th

Today I'm grateful for America's Ninja Warrior.

I spent my evening being entertained by this show. I had never seen it before but got pretty into it. I enjoyed eating popcorn, giving my mind a rest, and snuggling on the couch as I anticipated the final result. 

Sunday, September 14, 2014

September 14th

Today I'm grateful for tennis.

I played my first game of tennis tonight. I borrowed a racket from a friend and played two games of doubles and one abbreviated singles game. I have no idea what I actually looked like, but I felt pretty cool playing. It was a fun way to spend the evening.    

Saturday, September 13, 2014

September 13th

Today I'm grateful for checking things off the to do list.

I went into work today to get ready for the week ahead. I didn't enjoy going in over the weekend, but I knew the office would be much quieter and have far fewer distractions. I was able to check many things off my to do list and I feel like the week will be much more manageable as a result. 

Friday, September 12, 2014

September 12th

Today I'm grateful for visits from my niece and nephew.

Two of my favorite E's came to visit me today. I babysat while my sister and brother-in-law ran some errands. We explored campus for a couple of hours--climbing on art structures, visiting a fountain, and playing hide and seek. We had a great time!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

September 11th

Today I'm grateful for unity.

Today marks the anniversary of a significant day in our history. This day holds tragic memories for people around the world, especially for Americans. I believe that as a result of the horrific events that happened on this day, we came together as a country to show support and compassion for those most affected. I still feel this unity on the anniversary and I am grateful for this sense of strength and togetherness.


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

September 10th

Today I'm grateful for staff retreats.

For work today we had an all day staff retreat. It was held outside and we spent time discussing the upcoming academic year, brainstorming programming ideas, learning more about one another, and focusing on our strengths. It was great to get out of the office and spend time with co-workers in a non-work environment. I'm grateful that we do this at least once a year. 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

September 9th

Today I'm grateful for clever vandalism.

I don't usually approve of vandalism, but I discovered this sign on a walk recently and I thought it was pretty clever.  I definitely chuckled.

Monday, September 8, 2014

September 8th (Double Post)

Today I'm grateful for found wallets and Evan.

My coworker called me this morning as I was getting ready and told me that someone had called and they had found my wallet. I didn't even know I had lost my wallet yet and the founder contacted me! I picked it up this evening. I'm grateful that the founder was willing to return it and took the time and effort to find me.

I'm also very grateful for Evan. Today is his 6th birthday. I can't believe he's already 6! He is my favorite nephew and such a sweet, loving little boy.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

September 7th

Today I'm grateful for Midnight Whiskey.

This was the last official tourney of the season. And I'd say we went out with a bang. I'm SO grateful for this team and these people. We always have a good time no matter our win-loss record. I love spending time with them on and off the field. I feel very lucky to be a part of this team and the greater ultimate community. 

Saturday, September 6, 2014

September 6th

Today I'm grateful for nice fields with shade.

Midnight Whiskey played our first day of sectionals today. We played our first game at one field site and then had to move to a different field site. We played at the second site the rest of the day. So first, I was grateful we only had to move once. Plus the second site had a much better field and had lots of shade for us to cool off in between rounds. We went 2-2 for the day. We'll see what happens tomorrow!

Friday, September 5, 2014

September 5th

Today I'm grateful for trying new recipes.

I was inspired from the recent impromptu Friendsgiving last week to try cooking pork. Plus, I found a deal at the grocery store. It turned out it was pretty easy and quite delicious. I cooked up some asparagus, couscous, and bread to go with it. I need to keep trying new recipes!    

Thursday, September 4, 2014

September 4th

Today I'm grateful for nachos.

It's becoming a tradition that I meet up with a girlfriend every so often (wish it was more frequent) and we eat nachos together. Neither of us purposefully initiated this tradition, but I'm so grateful it's started. I always enjoy catching up and of course eating nachos.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

September 3rd

Today I'm grateful for picnics.

We had a picnic after practice tonight. (I've talked about the sharing of food many times on this blog already but I can't help it! I'm grateful for food and good friends to share it with.) I had some excellent pesto pasta, pizza, and roasted carrots. If I had made dinner for myself it probably would have been a bag of popcorn. Obviously, eating with others is far healthier both nutritionally and spiritually.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

September 2nd

Today I'm grateful for signs of fall.

Summer is coming to a close. I can tell because it's getting darker earlier, I need to remember to bring a jacket if I'm going to be out in the evening, and trees are just starting to turn colors. I love autumn EXCEPT that it means that winter is coming. I'm looking forward to hot drinks, sweaters, and crisp walks.

Monday, September 1, 2014

September 1st

Today I'm grateful for playing at playgrounds.

I had a nostalgic experience today playing on a jungle gym that replicated the one from my elementary school days. I was especially thrown back to my Kindergarten days as we have a home video of me playing and showing off on it. I used to be able to swing around so much easier! It was fun to reminiscence about my childhood.